Monday, October 18, 2010

This Miner-Rescue Has Been Been Brought to You By... Oakley Sunglasses

When the sunlight threatens to sear your eyes after over two months underground, Oakleys is the only brand to trust. Nice slogan, yes? I think so.

Chilean miners sport their 180 dollar sunglasses.
 It has become aparrent that Oakley sunglasses, while proving to be very useful in that they come in very handy when making the transition from pitch blackness to the sinlit overworld, manage to make a miracle look trashy. Shameless marketing ploys should not be making headlines the way that they are. Sure, Oakley sunglasses are great for rescue purposes. Sure, millions of people are now going to go out and buy millions of dollars worth of sunglasses to shield their eyes from harmful UV rays. And the publicity, forty-one million dollars worth of publicity, was, in the end, virtually nothing out of their pocket in comparison.

But. But but but but. It was planned. A marketing ploy. Not that It's hurting anyone, really. I just feel like as if it takes away the goodwill of the gesture to a certain degree.

I honestly have abslutely no clue what to think. Was it simply an act of goodwill? Or was it a self-important act conducted by a corperation that, by definition, resembles the makeup of a psychopath? The latter seems to be far more likely, but the former is what I would like to believe.

... Also, since I neglected to put a song as the title of the blog (as per usual), I have taken the time and effort to provide you with an interchangeable song as the title. Just block out the current one, with your thumb or index finger, then use your imagination.


Try to find a light on somewhere, I'm finding I'm falling in love with the dark over here.

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