Monday, January 3, 2011

I Have a Heart, I Swear I Do.

So, Here she comes. The Most notable Holiday recognized by the general populace. The one that comes after New Years (which was awesome, by the by),but before Easter and, if you're Ontarian, Family Day. We don't even get a day off to celebrate and make love to one another.

That's Right. Valentine's Day is the day of which I speak.

I, for one, will spend the day listening to slutty music that I don't even like (Ke - cha ching - ha, for example. Her name does not employ the English language properly. Therefore, I do not recognize it as being legitimate. Just saying). Nevertheless, I shall be listening to both her and Christina Aguillera's "Dirty," all the while pretending that I do, in fact, have a significant other to share the day with.

But not really... Because that would be kind of pathetic.
I don't know when this became a tradition. I think it just happened. There just always happens to be a profound lack of a significant other around that particular time of the year/ It gives me an excuse to listen to "Dirty," I'm not gonna lie.

All of my hipster friends (which make up about 85 - 90% of my peeps) are going to hate me. After V-day, they are likely going to hot-glue ear-buds into my ears and force me to listen to gratuitous amounts of Lily Allen, Mumford and Sons, Modest mouse, Stars, Mother Mother, The Maccabees, Stroke 9, Beirut, Jenny and Johnny, and Florence and the Machine.

I can't say I'd complain about any of the above. Other than the hot-glue part. But I'd get over that, I guess.

Anyhow, I'd recommend this to anybody for V-day. Of course, this is just me assuming that everybody is always single on V-day. Which might defeat the purpose of the day. It would be a mass Oxymoron. Oh dear...

Anyhow. Moral of the story: Valentines day is stupid. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic.

1 comment:

  1. How I spend V-day: terrible songs and pity chocolate that I've either bought myself or had my mother purchase.
