Friday, November 5, 2010

... It's That Time of Year Again...


Winter. The time of snow, runny noses, and Christmas. For me, it is the time of a perpetual sickness. I have never not been sick during the winter months. We're not just talking runny noses, here. Anyhow, winter is fast approaching (even though, at the moment, we are still locked within the dreaded messenger of winter, so eloquently called 'autumn' or, if you're a rebel, 'swinter'). Swinter has been good to us here "North of the place wherein there are places wherein the weather is never cold! Like California!" I think people in other countries call it Canada, I don't know. Does it ring any bells?

In Canada the winters are largely unforgiving for people like me. The people to whom I complain could attest to this. I'm a complainer, I'm not going to lie. I don't just grin and bear it, people will hear about it. I harbor an uncanny detestation for the winter months. For the most part.

Christmas time is a wonderful time of year. I don't have school, so I usually just don't leave the warm confines of my house. I have a fireplace, so why would I? Sledding is a once a year occurrence in my household (mostly because the kids are generally too old to care, but aside from that, we are just lazy and partial to warmth). We go, we fall on our behinds for a couple hours, and then we leave. I'm not saying it isn't fun (god knows it is), but, being the germ-ridden disease monkey of the winter that I am, I tend to regret it.

As a whole, I find winter (and the latter half of its predecessor) to be wholly unfortunate.

Why is this a thing...?

Also, not that I'm making fun of it or anything, but the acronym for Seasonal Affective Disorder is S.A.D. It's not quite within the same context of my feelings towards winter, but still, I find myself sympathizing.


  1. "I harbor an uncanny detestation for the winter months." You have a way with words, my dear.
