Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Take me, Take me to the Riot. Then Let Me Stay

So, very recently, in the province that I call home, a few laws were struck down, and the consequence was something to the effect of... oh, I don't know... how about DECRIMINALIZING PROSTITUTION!

Now, I cannot say that I am particularly well-versed in regards to this particular subject... so I'm just going to rant. I don't do this very often, however, so bear with me.

I shall create somewhat of an ill-educated pro/con scenario for you.

  • It will be safer for both the prostitutes and the Johns in that they will both be required to have been tested.
  • Pimps will cease to be necessary.
  • Girls would be doing it more for money than for drugs.
  • Money is completely dependent upon work and offers a chance for great monetary success.
  • More people would feel that they should prostitute.
  • It is "safer," but that doesn't mean that it's entirely "safe."

SO. There you have my opinion. My honest-to-goodness, uneducated, opinion. Now that I look back on it, it wasn't much of a rant. More of a semi-organized queue of thought.

Thank you, and goodnight.

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