Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some people are just SO classy...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is cancer not a serious topic? I thought so.

After having shaved her head, plucked her eyelashes and eyebrows, and had a benign tumour removed from one of her breasts, Ashley Anne Kirilow, 23, began to tell people - both friends and strangers alike - that she had multiple forms of terminal cancer. She also brought out the "big guns" with things like having been "orphaned by abusive drug-addict parents" and "only had months to live." Kirilow even got tattoos to show off her fabricated disease, with phrases like "WONT QUIT" and "LOVE LIFE," not to mention the winged "Believe" across her chest.

She blames it on her parents, from whom she is now estranged. She says she wanted the attention. Well, she got it when she made her court appearance and pleaded guilty.

It's funny (not funny "ha-ha") that she is being sued under charges of fraud for $5,000, when she profited over $9,000. Should she not have to give the difference back as well? I certainly think so, but nobody who donated money asked for receipt. So, I guess that was their fault, but still. Because of the nature of her crime, one can understand why nobody would think twice about donating money, thinking it would go towards a good cause. After all, what kind of monster pretends to have a life-threatening illness that affects so many people and their families? Apparently, this one does.

But she doesn’t look like a monster. Which might lead  one to wonder "Why?" She could not possibly only want to get back at her old meanie-pants parents. What did she use the money for? She didn’t donate it. Surely there has to be more to it. But that was all a part or her plan, wasn't it? To endear people to her?

Long story short, this sickening display of self-absorbedness disgusts me.

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